Community and Service

Our Club


The Key Club Family

Est. August 1, 2012

The Key Club family is based on the principles of collaboration, communication, and contribution. The dynamics of Key Club are centered around teamwork, with each member of the organization having an opportunity to express their ideas and passions. Key Club weaves in the passions of many with the ultimate goal of giving back to local communities in unique and innovative ways. Leaders in Key Club listen to their peers and observe their own community network to craft extremely rewarding service projects.

 Every member of Key Club has the common characteristics of altruism and dedication. In the organization, students work together to uplift each other and their ideas. Instead of isolated projects and individualized goals, Key Club is compromised by cohesive projects undertaken by a large number of students. No one is silenced and everyone is brought into the fold to ensure they have opportunity to contribute. Service projects are open to everyone because the Key Club family is truly bound by mutual respect and love for service.



Be sure to participate in these events for the upcoming school-year! Visit the announcements tab to get more information on times, dates, and hours.

Haunted Trails Event 

Beach Sweep

Help for Horses


The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Nova High School or Broward County Public Schools.


 Nova Key Club:  3600 College Ave, Davie, FL 33314
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